13 team members and 3 major projects, all complete! Praise be to God as he kept us healthy and strong through the entire week. Kudos to every team member for a job well done. I was so proud to be part of this work. A shout out of thanks to everyone who gave of their time, finances and prayer for us to be able to make this happen. The work we did will literary changes lives. JUNE 2015!
Are you in? Stay tuned until this Sunday July 13th as TCI 2014 Mission Team gives a report of all God did this mission trip as well as presents a video recap.

Trinity Cares International is a partnership mission with Mount Zion Church in Consuelo, Dominican Republic. The partnership exist to further our relationship with God, with each other, while building sustainability projects in the local community of Consuelo. TCI is a mission and ministry of Trinity Church in Woodbridge, CT
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Monday, July 7, 2014
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Friday Day 5 TCI Mission Team
Yesterday we had a word earful time reconnecting with our sponsored children. Some TCI Mission Team members it was the first time meeting their sponsored child. It was a wonderful experience for all of us.
Last night at Mt Zion we showed the movie Jesus. The community all came and filled the church. Afterwards Pastor and the church set up a celebration party and everyone who worked with us this week was invited. There was music, pizza and other foods. It was like someone got married. Mt Zion presented Trinity Church with a beautiful plaque of appreciation of our partnership. There were many tears of joy of what God did this week in the next step of our partnership. Pastor said many churches support them by providing for them in different ways but very few come to build friendships, relationships that last a lifetime. We officially have a sister church, our extended family. See you all soon as we leave today.
Sharon kills Fred throws him off the balcony
We have had fun with Sharon and Laura with their adventures with Fred here in the DR. Things went south and Laura said Sharon threw Fred off the balcony. Now some claim Fred was already dead before Sharon threw him off the balcony but that I guess we will never now. It would probably just be probable cause evidence at this point. Team TCI is conducting an investigation into Fred's demise. Fred patrolled the grounds in and around Sharon and Laura's room all week. He actually keep their room bug free. If you haven't figured out yet Fred was the pet Gecco. We were all sad to see Fred go but his service to Laura and Sharon will never be forgotten. All charges against Sharon have been dropped.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Construction Crew Gives a New Floor to a Family
Todays highlight was the Construction Team pouring a floor for a local family consisting of a Mom and five children. This was a really practical work today providing a very basic need for this family as the home had a dirt floor. The guys had joy doing it in spite of the hot sun. The medical team continued to see patients and had wonderful stories which I will save some for them to share with you. I will share one as an elderly gentlemen named Juan came in to the clinic holding his tattered Bible. His blood pressure was very high so the team had him wait for about 10-15 minutes before they took it again. While Juan was waiting Linda saw the man squinting to read his Bible. With that, she grabbed a pair of the glasses we brought to bring to him. He can SEE! He started praising God and thanking him for his provision. Tomorrow we visit San Pedro de Macoris and our sponsored children from Compassion International. Hard to believe the week is almost over but God has given us many opportunities to love and serve here in the Dominican Republic.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Day 3 TCI 2014 Mission Team
Day Three and the bakery walls are taking shape. The construction team is working hard in the hot Dominican sun and doing a great job. Each team member is making friends working alongside their Dominican brothers. Pastor Julio explained to me that the community has been preparing weeks for us to come and was so excited for the opportunity to work alongside us! The security team were mounting cameras and actually starting to test the equipment. The monitor, power supply and cables are all run. Tomorrow the rest of the cameras are to be mounted and calibrated. The medical team continues to do a bang up jog taking care of the community medical needs. Today we went over to Consillito a Batey about 15 minutes from Consuelo. The team saw many little children today as mothers brought the kids to see the doctors. Kudos to Sharon and Laura for an awesome job today as they hung in there until 5PM in the hot sun! Photo album is posted to Facebook to see more information. Here are a few of todays children.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Day Two 89 patients
Day two was great as we settled in to work. Medical Teammates were not only helping patients but getting to know them and praying for them. There was a sense of connection with the community with our whole team. The construction team are doing the grunt work raising concrete blocks. You can see the progress each day! The Security team did an amazing job as well with many obstacles they have overcome. So far God has been good to us. No sickness in the group, everyone is healthy and we still like each other! Here are a few pictures from today. For more pictures please visit my Facebook Page: Christopher Kiley, Send a friend invite and I will accept it tonight. Blessings All!
Baseball with the kids
Today the youth in between taking blood pressure test with pitch baseballs to the kids. Here is Laura with the Bball gear
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Team TCI on the Road
Team TCI had the opportunity to Skype within the Trinity service today. It was so cool to participate from a distance. We left this morning to go to LaRomana to see our good friend Moises Siefren at Good Samaritan Hospital to pick up Meds. The hospital is amazing. In only 2 years it is fully staffed and serving many people providing medical services not available to the poor at public hospitals. We then picked up supplies at Jumbo and had lunch. Finally we arrived at Mt Zion to survey the bakery and cooking institute upstairs for the security installation led by Tim Kiley. The medical team is now assembling and setting up for day one of the medical clinic. We anticipate helping 100 patients tomorrow.
Team TCI off to DR
Team TCI is loaded up and on our way to JFK. Thank you Trinity Church and everyone who made this trip possible! Stay tuned to our blog as we will post all week about our work. Http://teamtci.blogspot.com
Friends in Partnership for the Gospel
We landed in Santo Domingo at 4:45 last evening. travel was uneventful, smooth and good. At the airport we had a Dominican welcoming committee greet us. I realized that in our church to church partnership these relationships we are building had really meaningful. It was GOOD to see our friends again in partnership for the Kingdom of God. We have the plan is place for this week but open open to any changes God makes to our itinerary. We are so grateful to the support we have recieved from Trinity Church and our family, friends in this journey to make the world a better place. ( yesterday I was commissioned by my daughter Shannon to go forth and make the world a better place!). Thank you to all who have sacrificed to make this possible for all 13 team members to come and work here in the Dominican Republic. A special thank you to Pastor Miles and the Mens Ministry who prayed us off yesterday in our send off. We felt so cared for, loved and supported. We really appreciated you being there. I will blog later as the day unfolds but wanted to reflect on what God has done so far and thank you all ,for being part of the Trinity Cares Mission! God Bless you all!
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Can't sleep so I blog
Tonight was our last team meeting before departing Saturday for the Dominican Republic. Pastor Miles
Informed us that with the congregational giving each team members expenses are covered! What a blessing. I am amazed once again how God provides through his people. Trinity Church has always had a big heart for missions which started under Pastor Ves Sheely's leadership and vision casting. I am truly blessed to be part of what God is doing through Trinity Cares International. We packed the meds for the medical team and alarm equipment for the security team, the concrete team well your stuff is on site ready to go! 24 hrs and we are off. Please continue to pray God will show us the way day by day and that we will see where he is at work and join him. It is now 2:24 am and I am so wired by the spirit I don't want to sleep but know I should. Ok I will try once again. Until next blog...
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Prayer Needed
First Mission Team Challenge
Please pray as Tim Kiley is on his way to New Hampshire to straighten out a snag with his passport.
Tim is leading the security alarm team and it crucial to that team. Pray that God goes before him and he has favor with anyone he comes in contact with and this will go through smoothly and he receives his passport on time. We are getting down to the wire. Our God is able! Thank you for your prayers...
Please pray as Tim Kiley is on his way to New Hampshire to straighten out a snag with his passport.
Tim is leading the security alarm team and it crucial to that team. Pray that God goes before him and he has favor with anyone he comes in contact with and this will go through smoothly and he receives his passport on time. We are getting down to the wire. Our God is able! Thank you for your prayers...
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Put Your Life Afloat Upon God
Today's Reflections are from Matt Parker, Team Leader Construction
Here is a reflection on our upcoming mission. Shannen and I are
looking forward to what God will do during the mission trip to Consuelo,
Oswald Chambers writes, Put
everything in your life afloat upon God, going out to sea on the great
swelling tide of His purpose, and your eyes will be opened. If you
believe in Jesus, you are not to spend all your time in the calm waters
just inside the harbor, full of joy, but always tied to the dock. You
have to get out past the harbor into the great depths of God, and begin
to know things for yourself— begin to have spiritual discernment.
God brings us out of our comfort zones the more we seek to know Him and follow His heart.
God wants you to be something that you have never been. “If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know . . .” John 7:17.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Wednesday June 11th- 10 days to departure
Before I start today's reading I must acknowledge my Mothers 80th birthday today! Happy Birthday Mom! today the thought of the day comes from John 19 where Pilate write "Jesus The King of the Jews". the Jews right away tell Pilate write he claimed to be King of the Jews, Pilate says " I have written what I have written" The Truth! Jesus was not only King of the Jews but of Pilate and for all mankind!
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Ambassadors for Christ
Todays sermon thought was so appropriate and a great reminder that wherever we go, we are God's Ambassadors. Pastor Miles used 2 Corinthians 5:20 as his scripture text:
2 Corinthians 5:20 ESV
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.We are praying God will use this years team as his ambassadors to bring healing both physically and spiritually to those in the Dominican Republic as we partner with the local church, Mt. Zion Church.Please pray for us that God will show us where he is at work so we can join him in the work of the Kingdom. 13 days till departure.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Pastor Julio Greets you!
Today we had a Skype session with Pastor Julio for planning our upcoming Team Mission Trip.
The folks in the DR are excited to greet our team and work alongside us for the week we will be there. We have two construction teams one putting an addition on the bakery and the other wiring a security monitoring system for the whole building covering the bakery, water treatment facility and the Culinary Institute. Our third team will lead Medical clinics for 4 days working with Dominican Medical Professionals. We leave two weeks from today! Would you partner with us by praying for our team and our work? If you would like to Contribute to our work all gifts are tax deductible.
Checks can be made to Trinity Cares International & sent to Trinity Church 33 Center RD Woodbridge, CT 06525. God bless you for your support!
The folks in the DR are excited to greet our team and work alongside us for the week we will be there. We have two construction teams one putting an addition on the bakery and the other wiring a security monitoring system for the whole building covering the bakery, water treatment facility and the Culinary Institute. Our third team will lead Medical clinics for 4 days working with Dominican Medical Professionals. We leave two weeks from today! Would you partner with us by praying for our team and our work? If you would like to Contribute to our work all gifts are tax deductible.
Checks can be made to Trinity Cares International & sent to Trinity Church 33 Center RD Woodbridge, CT 06525. God bless you for your support!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Peace for the Task
Today's post is from Team Member Kathy Kiley:
For the blog, here is some thoughts from yesterday's daily devotion I read. In summary, it stated and how I applied it to our DR trip:
For the blog, here is some thoughts from yesterday's daily devotion I read. In summary, it stated and how I applied it to our DR trip:
God is in control of every aspect of our lives and has mapped our journey. Since he knows all things since the beginning of time, He is fully aware of each of us going to the DR and He goes ahead preparing the way for us. He promised that he will never leave our sides. Our job is to let the Holy Spirit guide us as he will protect us and equip us as we depend on Him. Isaiah 41:13 states "For I am The Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do Not Fear; I will help you."
This gives me peace when I think about the task ahead.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Many Moving Parts
Today's Thought: "Parts of the Body"
As TCI's Mission Team is preparing for departure in a few short weeks the Lord reminded me of how uniquely he gifted each member of our Mission Team this year. Each brings their gifts to use for the Lord's service and are all a part of the Body of Christ. The sum of each part makes up The Church, the bride of Christ. "The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the Body of Christ" I Cor 12:12
As TCI's Mission Team is preparing for departure in a few short weeks the Lord reminded me of how uniquely he gifted each member of our Mission Team this year. Each brings their gifts to use for the Lord's service and are all a part of the Body of Christ. The sum of each part makes up The Church, the bride of Christ. "The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the Body of Christ" I Cor 12:12
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Today's Thought: "Live 58"...You have to watch the movie to find out what Live 58 means!
Team TCI has been training together as a team for the last several months to prepare for our work in the Dominican Republic later this month. Several years ago our mission team was inspired by the book "When Helping Hurts" In training we have done a summary of the book and watched live58 the movie together. The movie was produced by Compassion International. Trinity Cares has partnered with Compassion International through child sponsorship in the Dominican Republic. We have sponsored over 100 children to date.
Live58 is a documentary movie that tells the story of many families struggling to provide the daily basic needs for their children. The story is a story of hope as it documents the difference the church is making by reducing poverty throughout the world. There is a lot of work still to do and the challenge is one I believe we can meet. I would encourage you to watch the movie. Its a little over an hour long but it will help you to understand the plight of poverty and how we can make a difference. I look forward to working with our team to make a difference among the poor of the Dominican Republic this year through this year's mission work. Click this Link to watch the Movie:
Make a comment here on our blog after you watch the movie and let me know your thoughts and what you felt the Spirit of God saying to you. How are you making a difference in your world? How can we make a difference together? In what ways do you sense God calling Trinity Church to respond? Share your comments below....
Team TCI has been training together as a team for the last several months to prepare for our work in the Dominican Republic later this month. Several years ago our mission team was inspired by the book "When Helping Hurts" In training we have done a summary of the book and watched live58 the movie together. The movie was produced by Compassion International. Trinity Cares has partnered with Compassion International through child sponsorship in the Dominican Republic. We have sponsored over 100 children to date.
Live58 is a documentary movie that tells the story of many families struggling to provide the daily basic needs for their children. The story is a story of hope as it documents the difference the church is making by reducing poverty throughout the world. There is a lot of work still to do and the challenge is one I believe we can meet. I would encourage you to watch the movie. Its a little over an hour long but it will help you to understand the plight of poverty and how we can make a difference. I look forward to working with our team to make a difference among the poor of the Dominican Republic this year through this year's mission work. Click this Link to watch the Movie:
Make a comment here on our blog after you watch the movie and let me know your thoughts and what you felt the Spirit of God saying to you. How are you making a difference in your world? How can we make a difference together? In what ways do you sense God calling Trinity Church to respond? Share your comments below....
Friday, May 30, 2014
Mission Team Leaves in 3 Weeks
Donations Needed for Mission Work
Trinity Cares Mission Team will leaves in just over 3 weeks on June 21st. The 2014 team will minister in the Dominican Republic through three team projects, Medical, Construction and Security Monitoring System.The Team Members are Tim Kiley, Frank Kelly, Sandra Simoes, Sharon Pierpont, Linda Robinson, Lani Brown, Matt Parker, Shannen Parker, Laura Christie, Jake Horensavitz, Wayne Billingham, Kathy Kiley and Chris Kiley.
The team is still raising support for some of its members for trip expenses and for medicines. You can help this years team by supporting financially for the team and by donating "Over The Counter" Meds and Vitamins (No Gummies)
We appreciate everyone's prayers and support for our team to help make a difference for the people of the Dominican Republic. God Bless!
Tune in from June 20th until June 28th as we will blogg daily activities from the Dominican Republic. See and hear about what God "is up to" through your 2014 Mission Team!
Monday, March 17, 2014
Trinity's Got Talent 2014 event a big success!
Thank you to all who participated in the Trinity's Got Talent event. Performers shared in song, dance and comedy skits. The purpose of the evening was to raise funds for this years Mission Team. The Trinity Cares Mission Team will travel to the Dominican Republic to do a medical clinic and two construction projects.
If you were not able to attend Saturday evening or would like to share a gift you can do so by writing and mailing a check, in the memo section indicate "2014 TCI Mission Trip"
You may also give a gift online by going to www.trinitychurchefc.com/trinitycares.php
We appreciate your support, prayers and financial gifts as we prepare this years mission trip. Many team members have financial need so anything you can give is appreciated. Thank you!
2014 Trinity's Got Talent a Big Success!
Thank you to everyone who made TCI's Trinity's Got Talent event such a success. Many performers from Trinity Church entertained an enthusiastic audience in song, dance and comedy skits!
The evening and the purpose was to raise funds for the 2014 Mission Team who will travel to the Dominican Republic this June to bring a Medical Clinic and 2 Construction Teams. If you missed the event but would like to help support the 2014 Trinity Care's Mission Team you can do so online at Trinity Church's web site or by mailing in your check with a memo stating "Trinity Cares Mission Trip" Thank you for your support! Stay tuned to this blog as we get closer to the trip as we will blog each days activities so you can follow us and pray for us as we minister to our neighbors in the DR!
The evening and the purpose was to raise funds for the 2014 Mission Team who will travel to the Dominican Republic this June to bring a Medical Clinic and 2 Construction Teams. If you missed the event but would like to help support the 2014 Trinity Care's Mission Team you can do so online at Trinity Church's web site or by mailing in your check with a memo stating "Trinity Cares Mission Trip" Thank you for your support! Stay tuned to this blog as we get closer to the trip as we will blog each days activities so you can follow us and pray for us as we minister to our neighbors in the DR!
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