many ministry items in a short time. Primarily we had three items to address, Mission Trip, Mission Trip Fundraiser and
TCI Microfinance.
Microfinance: Miles & Joel are working together to put together a reporting mechanism that will
work for Pastor Julio and give our board enough information to realize the status of each loan, to give
us a snapshot overview of how things are working.
Mission Trip Fundraiser: The fundraiser is set for February 9th and we had several members step up to volunteer to help with the fundraiser. Nancy Lindemann will coordinate the Silent Auction again. Bill Sereduck will lead the kitchen and dinner crew with the help of the Men's Ministry. The entertainment area will be led by Chris Kiley. There are several positions we need to fill: Ticket Sales Lead Person, Promotions/Communications, and Parking Lot coordination. If you are interested in helping with any of these areas please let me know. I prefer to work in teams so the work doesn't fall to only one person. So if you are interested, I will seek to get another person to work alongside you in any area.
Mission Trip: The mission trip is set for April 13-20
Teams we are considering are: Medical, Dental, ESL, Electrical-Alarm Installation, Sports Camp,
Music-Gospel Outreach
We are looking for leadership and for team members. Application packets are on the welcome table
for those who may be interested. You can pick one up or we can email one to you. If you have questions please email me or call me anytime.
Meeting closed at 7:45PM
Next Meeting will be held November 13th in the church library. Please plan to attend, your ideas are valued your prayers are coveted.

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